
Just another Sunday evening at home...

tonight after church i had to babysit 16 kids with my sister, so we had 8 kids each, it was fun except that Maya, the baby is teething so her gums were hurting so i had to massage them with my finger cuz the church is stupid and doesn't keep little teething rings in the freezer, But, oh well, we managed, i changed her diaper as well, she wasn't that bad just a little wet. Pretty soon i want to become a nanh=ny and babysit babies all the time, i also can not wait to be a mother, it will be so much fun

We have small groups this week, i'm rather excited about that, i wonder what we are doing, we are meeting at the firehouse underground, i love that place because you get free popcorn!!! LOL, i know...I'M GREEDY!!!!!! HE HE HE HE HE

I also recently got a comment on here saying that "i'm too good to be american" i was wondering who that was cuz it just said anonymous....i'm interested to know who things that i'm too good to be american....so whoever you are....why am i too good to be an american????


gotta get ready for bed..

I'll take pictures at small groups on wednesday and post them on here!!!

Love to all!!

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